Roger Bischof
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DEXXX – Tax office Berlin

Responsible for the content:
Roger Bischof

Roger Bischof

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The website of, its structure and all functionalities, information, data, texts, components used therein are subject to the legally protected copyright and are the property of Roger Bischof. The user may use the contents only within the framework of the offered functionalities of the website for his personal use and does not acquire any rights to the contents and programs.

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Pirate copies of these contents are punishable by law, which I will report immediately.

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The contents of the website are constantly checked and updated. Despite all care, data can change at short notice. Therefore, no liability or guarantee can be assumed for the timeliness, completeness and accuracy of the content provided.

The website contains links to websites of other providers, for whose contents no liability is assumed.

The owner and operator of cannot be held liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and, in particular, for damages arising from the use or non-use of such information.

Links on this website can be „affiliate links“. That means I get a commission if you order the item from the link. The price for the article will not be higher because of this.

Objection to advertising mails

The use of contact data published in the imprint to send unsolicited advertisements and information materials is hereby prohibited. I expressly reserve the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited promotional information, such as spam e-mails.

Duty to inform according to § 37 Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsges​etz

The European Union’s platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution can be found at:

In addition, the European Commission provides an OS platform. You can find my e-mail address above in the imprint.